Can I use a veterinary degree in missions?

“Yes. I’m a veterinarian who has used my degree in missions.”

Yes, you can use your veterinary mission degree in missions. It is especially helpful in working with populations that value their animals as a bridge to build relationships with them and subsequently share the Gospel with them. 

I am a veterinarian and worked in Ethiopia in community development. Treating cattle and helping them plant grasses for their cattle allowed people to have strong healthy animals to plow their fields so that they could plant crops to feed their family and sell for an income. Others have trained nationals to treat their own animals, or taught in veterinary medical classes. Some even work in small animal clinics in cities. 

I currently work with Christian Veterinary Mission and they send veterinarians both for long-term service and also short-term service. SIM is another missions agency that I’ve partnered with that does a great job using veterinarians in missions.

Answer from Denise in North Carolina, who has served with Christian Veterinary Mission in Ethiopia as well as through short-term projects in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

“Contact Christian Veterinary Mission.”

You should know about the Christian Veterinary Mission, which offers training, encouragement, opportunities, and more. At most national veterinary meetings, they will have a booth set up.

Answer from Richard, a doctor of veterinary medicine.

“Many agencies have agricultural projects and could use someone with a veterinary background.”

A number of mission agencies operate farms or send personnel to farming areas to teach and encourage better patterns of agriculture and animal husbandry. World Concern and Food for the Hungry come to mind.

I would also strongly urge you to consider coming to the Urbana Convention. There you will be able to ask your questions to a incredibly large number of agencies, large and small, about your particular interest in animals.

Answer from Jack Voelkel, missionary-in-residence with the Urbana Student Mission Convention; originally published on the Urbana website. Previously, Jack served thirty years with Latin America Mission in Peru and Colombia. Find other answers and articles from Jack and others on the Urbana blog.

Editor’s note: also browse MissionFinder for links to veterinary agencies.

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